September 28, 2024

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CRAAP test
Using the 'CRAAP' Test on Information
The CRAAP test can help you determine if what you are reading—no matter the source—is reliable information for you and your horses.
geldings in field
Health Concerns in Older Geldings Video
Dr. Rachel Doenges helps us understand the importance of specific issues when managing our senior geldings.
footing outdoor arena two women and horses
Footing for Equine Arenas and Round Pens
There are many materials you can use for footing in an equine arena or round pen. Some of the materials are used in combination. Check out these tips on footing from Animal Arts.
senior horse vaccination
Senior Horse Vaccination Protocols
Having a tailored vaccination schedule for your senior horse is critical to maintaining that animal’s health and longevity. 
equine appetite loss trying to feed hay to horse
Equine Appetite Loss 
Recognizing and addressing appetite loss can be the first step in preventing serious health problems in your horse. 
parasite control guidelines for australia horses
Australian Equine Internal Parasite Guidelines Released
Australian equine internal parasite control guidelines are now available to veterinarians and horse owners/managers.
equine facilities heat in winter horse blowing snow
Energy-Saving Tips for Equine Facilities
Keep indoor environments at equine facilities pleasant for horses and humans with these five tips. These also can help you save energy and not waste money.
reproduction tips for senior mares
Reproduction Tips for Senior Mares Video
Just because you have an aged mare doesn't mean you can't get a foal. Check out these tips from Dr. Maria Schnobrich.
dental issues horse tilting head to chew
My Senior Horse Podcast: Dental Care
Check out these tips by equine dentistry specialist Dr. Jack Easley on caring for your senior horse's dental needs.
directional terms in horses
Directional Terms for Horses
Directional terms for horses can include things your veterinarian says, such as proximal versus distal or ventral versus dorsal.
old mare and foal in field
Old Mares: Oils and Nutrients Can Help Oocyte Metabolism
Feeding reproductive support supplements to old mares in addition to omega-3 or omega-6 oils resulted in greater oocyte aerobic metabolism. 
slow feed hay net
Pros and Cons of Hay Feeding Devices
What type of hay feeding method or device is best for your horse? Check out this research using ponies to gain insights and tips.
feeding fats to horses video
Feeding Fats to Horses Video
In this video, Bryan Cassill helps us better understand feeding fats to horses and why that can benefit many senior equids.
vet visiting choke horse
Choke in Horses
Choke can occur in any age horse, but senior horses with dental issues might be more at risk of choke.
A thoroughbred horse grazes in a meadow and field on an autumn day
At What Age Was Your Horse Retired?
Let us know in our online poll!
osteoarthritis horse hocks
Equine Osteoarthritis and Corticosteroid Joint Injections
A recent review of research about repeated corticosteroid injections for osteoarthritis points to negative long-term effects.
donkey castration
A Guide to Mature Donkey Castration
Dr. Joe Collins of The Donkey Sanctuary in the UK helps owners and veterinarians understand how castration of the donkey is different from horses.
laminitis two fat ponies touching noses
Feeding Horses and Ponies Prone to Laminitis: Part 2
This article contains practical tips on feeding and managing those horses and ponies that are prone to laminitis.
laminitis two fat ponies in field
Feeding Horses and Ponies Prone to Laminitis: Part 1
These feed and management tips will help you reduce your horse’s risk of developing laminitis and help you spot the signs of an attack early.
equine neck muscle wastage
Clinical Features of Primary Neck Problems in Horses
Can abnormalities in a horse's neck vertebrae cause problems? Yes. Do those abnormalities always cause issues? No!
equine fecal egg count
Equine Parasite Fecal Egg Count Video
Do you understand the fecal egg count and fecal egg count reduction test? Find out more from Dr. Martin Nielsen.
PPID in equines warmblood horse
PPID and Insulin Dysregulation in Warmblood Breeds
If you have Warmblood horses, you should be on the lookout for pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) and/or insulin dysregulation.
Dr. Rachel Lemcke presents on PPID and insulin dysregulation ID
Horse Breeds, PPID, and Insulin Dysregulation
Some horse breeds are prone to endocrine diseases, specifically pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) and insulin dysregulation (ID).
ppid bone loss horse running
PPID and Bone Mineral Density Loss in Horses
Horses with PPID have bone mineral loss that could make them at increased risk of fracture, especially of non-weight-bearing bones.
geldings in field
Health Concerns in Older Geldings Video
when retire old horse with cowboy
When Is a Horse Considered Old?  
girl loving senior horse
6 Senior Horse Myths
horse dental issues
Tips on Feeding Older Horses with Dental Issues
CRAAP test
Using the 'CRAAP' Test on Information
footing outdoor arena two women and horses
Footing for Equine Arenas and Round Pens
equine facilities heat in winter horse blowing snow
Energy-Saving Tips for Equine Facilities
dental issues horse tilting head to chew
My Senior Horse Podcast: Dental Care

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