Personal Opinions

senior fitness Denai at 20 years old
Senior Horse Fitness: A Balancing Act
We can create a fitness plan that respects the senior horse's limitations while promoting its strengths.
horse barn aisle
What Does Your Barn Mean to You?
Human language and memory are tied to a sense of place, and barns mean a lot to horse folks. As an architect, I’m drawn to understand the magic of place, and I love to share it with others. In this article,...
donkey carrying burden skin trade
The Global Trade in Donkey Skins
The global trade in donkey skins is a threat to the world's population of working equids and the livelihoods of those who rely upon them.
footing outdoor arena two women and horses
Footing for Equine Arenas and Round Pens
There are many materials you can use for footing in an equine arena or round pen. Some of the materials are used in combination. Check out these tips on footing from Animal Arts.
senior horse woman hug
Welcome to the My Senior Horse Podcast!
Learn more about the passionate people who are behind the launch of My Senior Horse, focused on aged horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules.
MSH Social Share
Equine Network, LLC, Launches to Support Senior Equids is a new website dedicated to the care and welfare of horses, donkeys, and mules aged 15 years and older.
senior horse rider looking in horse mouth
Clinical Challenges for Senior Horses: Perspectives from an Equine Practitioner in Denmark
An equine practitioner from Denmark discusses the issues she sees in senior horses and offers tips for managing older equids.
senior horses Coby Bolger
Caring for Senior Horses in Hot Climates
With over 25 years dedicated to advancing the nutrition and well-being of equids, Coby Bolger is a leader caring for senior horses in Spain.
how to medicate an eye video screen capture
How to Medicate a Horse's Eye Video
muscle mass loss in senior horse
Keep Aging Horses Strong: Understand Muscle Mass and Protein
losing weight thin horse
Help! My Senior Horse is Losing Weight!
horse dental issues
Tips on Feeding Older Horses with Dental Issues
bute or phenylbutazone use in horses
Tips on Using 'Bute' Video
eye exam of horse by veterinarian
Eye Issues in a Population of Senior U.K. Equids
behavior ears back with intense stare
Ridden Horse Performance Checklist: Behaviors in Ridden Horses that Might Signify Discomfort
behavior horse bridle tacking up
Horse Behavior During Tacking and Mounting

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