In this video, Dr. Rachel Doenges gives us some tips on taking a broodmare and giving her a second career. Doenges is a veterinarian at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. (Editor’s...
In this video, Dr. Martin Nielsen gives us tips on deworming senior horses. Nielsen started as a Professor at Denmark’s Aarhus University, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, in December...
Dr. Yvette Nout-Lomas gives horse owners tips on use of phenylbutazone ('bute') and outlines the risks associated with giving this NSAID to your horse.
Thrush is a common hoof issue in horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. While often associated with unsanitary conditions, thrush can occur in horses living in pristine environments.
Taking your equid's heart rate or pulse is a basic health parameter. In this video, Christine Johnson, DVM, will show you how to take a heart rate or pulse in several locations on your horse.
In this short video, Sina Parsaye, DVM, of Parsaye Veterinary Services in Colorado, gives us a step-by-step visual of how to re-clinch or remove a loose shoe.