
feeding fats to horses video
Feeding Fats to Horses Video
In this video, Bryan Cassill helps us better understand feeding fats to horses and why that can benefit many senior equids.
equine fecal egg count
Equine Parasite Fecal Egg Count Video
Do you understand the fecal egg count and fecal egg count reduction test? Find out more from Dr. Martin Nielsen.
broodmare second career screen capture
Second Careers for Broodmares Video
In this video, Dr. Rachel Doenges gives us some tips on taking a broodmare and giving her a second career. Doenges is a veterinarian at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. (Editor’s...
choosing hay for overweight horses video
Choosing Hays for Overweight Horses Video
While horse owners worry about feeding alfalfa, it could be the right choice for overweight senior equids.
deworming senior horse video
Deworming Senior Horses Video
In this video, Dr. Martin Nielsen gives us tips on deworming senior horses. Nielsen started as a Professor at Denmark’s Aarhus University, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, in December...
neurological tests horse
How to Perform Neurological Tests on Your Horse Video
Dr. Nout-Lomas said it is important for horse owners to know how to do simple neurological tests.
Breeding Maiden Senior Mares Video
Mares 15 years of age and older that have never had a foal often have issues getting in foal and carrying it to term.
tips help horse gain weight
Tips on Helping Your Horse Gain Weight Video
There are many reasons that your horse might need to gain weight. Here are some tips from Dr. Yvette Nout-Lomas.
apply standing bandage video screen capture
How to Apply a Standing Bandage on Your Horse Video
There are many reasons you might need to apply a standing bandage to your horse. In this video, Dr. Christine Johnson shows you how.
how to palpate a horse's back video
Palpating a Horse's Back for Soreness Video
Palpating a horse's back for soreness can be done by the owner to see if there are issues that a veterinarian needs to address.
equine wound care video
Clean and Treat Minor Equine Wound Video
In this video, Dr. Christine Johnson walks you through cleaning and bandaging a minor equine wound.
equine parasite resistance video
Equine Parasite Resistance Video
There are only four classes of equine dewormers, with the newest one on the market more than 40 years.
how to wrap a hock video
How to Wrap a Horse's Hock Video
Dr. Sina Parsaye gives you simple instructions on how to wrap a horse's hock in this video.
gut sounds video horse
Listening To and Interpreting Gut Sounds Video
Learning how to listen for gut sounds can clue you and your veterinarian in to possible GI tract issues.
how to examine an equine eye video
Safely Examine a Horse's Eye Video
You should look for eye squinting, swelling, tearing, or blood, and for cloudiness in the eye.
capillary refill time
Equine Capillary Refill Time Video
Knowing how to take the capillary refill time for your horse will provide you and your veterinarian information on the horse's health status.
Video give oral medications to horse
How to Give Oral Medications Video
Sometimes it is a challenge to give oral medications or dewormers to horses. In this video, Dr. Sina Parsaye walks you through the process.
checking for sand in horse feces
Checking Equine Feces for Sand Video
In this video, Dr. Christine Johnson walks you through the steps to check a horse's feces for sand or debris that could cause colic.
how to medicate an eye video screen capture
How to Medicate a Horse's Eye Video
It can be challenging to medicate your horse's eye. Use these tips from Dr. Christine Johnson.
restraint shoulder twitch or roll
How to Restrain a Horse Video
Dr. Luke Bass helps us understand several techniques for restraining horses for procedures or needed management.
bute or phenylbutazone use in horses
Tips on Using 'Bute' Video
Dr. Yvette Nout-Lomas gives horse owners tips on use of phenylbutazone ('bute') and outlines the risks associated with giving this NSAID to your horse.
thrush treatment
How to Recognize and Treat Thrush Video
Thrush is a common hoof issue in horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. While often associated with unsanitary conditions, thrush can occur in horses living in pristine environments.
how to take a horse's pulse video screen capture
How to Take a Horse's Pulse Video
Taking your equid's heart rate or pulse is a basic health parameter. In this video, Christine Johnson, DVM, will show you how to take a heart rate or pulse in several locations on your horse.
how to remove a loose shoe video
How to Remove a Loose Shoe Video
In this short video, Sina Parsaye, DVM, of Parsaye Veterinary Services in Colorado, gives us a step-by-step visual of how to re-clinch or remove a loose shoe.
equine appetite loss trying to feed hay to horse
Equine Appetite Loss 
when retire old horse with cowboy
When Is a Horse Considered Old?  
girl loving senior horse
6 Senior Horse Myths
horse dental issues
Tips on Feeding Older Horses with Dental Issues
equine facilities heat in winter horse blowing snow
Energy-Saving Tips for Equine Facilities
dental issues horse tilting head to chew
My Senior Horse Podcast: Dental Care
feeding fats to horses video
Feeding Fats to Horses Video
donkey castration
A Guide to Mature Donkey Castration

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