Breeding Stock

reproduction tips for senior mares
Reproduction Tips for Senior Mares Video
Just because you have an aged mare doesn't mean you can't get a foal. Check out these tips from Dr. Maria Schnobrich.
old mare and foal in field
Old Mares: Oils and Nutrients Can Help Oocyte Metabolism
Feeding reproductive support supplements to old mares in addition to omega-3 or omega-6 oils resulted in greater oocyte aerobic metabolism. 
broodmare second career screen capture
Second Careers for Broodmares Video
In this video, Dr. Rachel Doenges gives us some tips on taking a broodmare and giving her a second career. Doenges is a veterinarian at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. (Editor’s...
Breeding Maiden Senior Mares Video
Mares 15 years of age and older that have never had a foal often have issues getting in foal and carrying it to term.
reproductive system mare diagram
Mare Reproductive System Diagram
This diagram of a mare reproductive system will be handy for horse owners who want to visualize the anatomy of any mare. Whether you are talking to your veterinarian about your competition mare or a senior...
stallion reproductive system diagram
Stallion Reproductive System Diagram
This stallion reproductive system diagram can help horse owners visualize the various aspects of the male horse. Whether your veterinarian is discussing a breeding male or a young colt, you can use this...
equine appetite loss trying to feed hay to horse
Equine Appetite Loss 
when retire old horse with cowboy
When Is a Horse Considered Old?  
girl loving senior horse
6 Senior Horse Myths
horse dental issues
Tips on Feeding Older Horses with Dental Issues
equine facilities heat in winter horse blowing snow
Energy-Saving Tips for Equine Facilities
dental issues horse tilting head to chew
My Senior Horse Podcast: Dental Care
feeding fats to horses video
Feeding Fats to Horses Video
donkey castration
A Guide to Mature Donkey Castration

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