Merry Smith, MA, VetMB, PhD, DipECVS, AECVDI, MRCVS

older horse retired in field mountains
Planning Retirement for an Older Horse
Since many equids live into their 20s or beyond, you need a plan for what your senior horse's life looks like as it ages.
end of your horse's life leading horse down road
Planning for the End of Your Horse's Life
Planning the logistics for the end of your horse's life will make it easier on you, your horse, and those around you.
older horse management and care autumn herd
Assessing Quality of Life in the Older Horse
Check out these tips for assessing your older horse and perhaps to determine when it might be time to say goodbye.
equine appetite loss trying to feed hay to horse
Equine Appetite Loss 
when retire old horse with cowboy
When Is a Horse Considered Old?  
girl loving senior horse
6 Senior Horse Myths
horse dental issues
Tips on Feeding Older Horses with Dental Issues
equine facilities heat in winter horse blowing snow
Energy-Saving Tips for Equine Facilities
dental issues horse tilting head to chew
My Senior Horse Podcast: Dental Care
feeding fats to horses video
Feeding Fats to Horses Video
donkey castration
A Guide to Mature Donkey Castration

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