Amish and old order Mennonite communities in North America have held barn raisings for almost three centuries. The tradition of barn raisings has remained virtually unchanged. Similarly, the buildings still have their high walls and ‘post and beam’ frames and peaked roofs. Yet for most of the rest of the country, barn building is no longer a part of our culture. Where this tradition is gone, so is the knowledge about climate and weather that accompanies it.

In this article we will explore some of this old knowledge. That can allow us to challenge ourselves to build new barns that work better!

Orient Your Barn Properly

Research from the University of Kansas has reinforced the traditional knowledge that dairy facilities oriented on an east/west axis ventilate better and remain cooler. This orientation works best for cow and horse barns in most of the temperate and hot climates in the United States. In these areas, exposure to the western sun should be minimized.

This orientation has been proven to have less effect in northern climates. For example, in Ontario the animal housing is often traditionally oriented north/south.

old barn Laramie WY
This historic barn in Wyoming brings in traditions brought from the East.

Use Barn Volume to Your Advantage

Old Amish barns are so massive in order to maximize the volume within the square footage. Not only does this provide the most useful storage space within the envelope of the building, it works well with a temperate climate. Hot summer air floats to the top, and the air at the level of the animals remains cool and comfortable.

However, if you live in a hot, dry, southwestern climate, the best practice is to keep the volume of your barn low. Buildings in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, for example, have lower roofs. They often have a lean to on one or both sides to further depress the overall volume to prevent heat buildup.

Be sure your building can open up to capture breezes and that there is a way for heat to escape from the roof.

old barn with lean-tos on each side

Carefully Select Materials

Traditional barns are typically sided with wood. Today, this is not as common. Wood products are more expensive and less readily available than in decades past.

This means that many modern barns are sided with manufactured materials such as metal panels.

Regardless of the material you use for siding or roofing, be aware of the effect that material has on the inside environment of the barn. Choose metal products with a “cool finish” that is designed to reflect heat.

Final Words

Before you build your own barn, take the time to learn from the barn-building traditions of your area. Take a road trip through the countryside. While you might not see a barn raising, you will still see many old barns.

Take note of their form, their orientation, and their materials. How are they designed to work with nature?

Don’t forget to consult the experts at your state agricultural school or extension office as well.

The author is a principal at Animal Arts architecture firm that specializes in equine, veterinary, and shelter facilities around the world.

old barn in Pennsylvania
In this massive Pennsylvania barn, hot air floats to the top, and the air at the level of the animals remains cool and comfortable.

Editor’s note: Make sure to check out the other articles in our Barn category on

  • Heather Lewis, AIA, NCARB, AAA, joined Animal Arts architectural firm more than 20 years ago and is now a principal in the company. She has designed numerous award-winning veterinary hospitals, animal shelters, and assistant dog facility projects. She is a member of the Fear Free advisory board.
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